Weather for logan township nj snow
Weather for logan township nj snow

weather for logan township nj snow

This is 0.07” above normal and ranks as the 60th wettest/69th driest. Rain and melted snow/sleet averaged 2.93”. There was an above-average spread between the average high of 46.7° (+3.6°, 12th mildest) and low of 24.4° (-0.2°, 40th mildest), the 22.3-degree range being 3.8 degrees wider than normal. The statewide average temperature of 35.6° was 1.7° above the 1991–2020 normal, ranking as the 19th mildest since 1895. More will be said about winter at the end of this report, but when it came to February, the end result was a somewhat warmer-than-normal month with about average precipitation and a dearth of snowfall. Whether you call it a see saw, swing, or merry-go-round, it fits the theme of playground equipment as it never seemed any one particular variety of weather became established for all that long.

weather for logan township nj snow

The second month of 2022 and third month of winter continued a theme since December.

Weather for logan township nj snow